
Over the past two decades, the landscape of charity culture has experienced a profound shift, marked by changing attitudes, innovative approaches, and the integration of technology. As society evolves, so does the way we engage with charitable causes. This article delves into the transformation of charity culture over the last 20 years, examining the driving factors behind these changes and the significant impact they have had on philanthropy and societal well-being.

The Changing Face of Charity Culture

  1. From Traditional to Tech-Savvy: Two decades ago, charitable giving often relied heavily on traditional methods such as checks and cash donations. Today, the integration of technology has revolutionized the way donations are made, with online platforms and mobile apps offering convenient and secure avenues for contributing to causes.

  2. Individual Empowerment: The last 20 years have witnessed a shift from centralized, large-scale charity campaigns to a more decentralized approach. Individual donors now have the power to support niche causes and micro-projects that resonate with their personal values, thanks to the ease of online giving platforms.

  3. Impact Measurement: Accountability and transparency have gained prominence in modern charity culture. Donors today demand tangible proof of how their contributions are making a difference. Charitable organizations are increasingly using data and technology to demonstrate the impact of their initiatives, fostering trust and accountability.

Technological Advancements Driving Change

  1. Digital Platforms: The proliferation of online platforms has democratized charitable giving. Donors can now explore a wide range of causes, read about the impact of their donations, and make contributions with just a few clicks. This ease of access has opened doors for people who might not have engaged in charity otherwise.

  2. Social Media Influence: Social media has emerged as a powerful tool for raising awareness and rallying support for charitable causes. Viral campaigns, crowdfunding initiatives, and hashtag movements can rapidly gain momentum, inspiring millions to contribute and spread the word.

  3. Blockchain and Transparency: The advent of blockchain technology has introduced an unprecedented level of transparency to charity culture. Donors can now trace their contributions throughout the entire donation process, ensuring their funds are being used as intended and minimizing concerns about misuse.

Impact on Charitable Organizations

  1. Adaptation to New Strategies: Charitable organizations have had to adapt to the changing landscape by embracing technology and adopting innovative fundraising methods. Those that have successfully integrated digital platforms and data-driven strategies tend to attract more support and maintain relevance.

  2. Focus on Storytelling: Donors today are drawn to compelling narratives that connect them emotionally to the cause. Charitable organizations have recognized the power of storytelling to create a deep impact and have invested in conveying their missions through vivid and relatable stories.

  3. Collaboration and Networks: The digital era has facilitated collaboration among charitable organizations, allowing them to pool resources and expertise for larger-scale projects. Networking and partnerships have become key strategies for achieving greater impact.

Shift in Donor Behavior and Expectations

  1. Informed Giving: With the availability of information at their fingertips, modern donors are more informed than ever before. They research organizations, evaluate impact reports, and seek transparency before making contributions.

  2. Long-Term Engagement: Donors now seek deeper connections with the causes they support. They want to be engaged beyond monetary contributions, participating in volunteer activities, events, and advocacy efforts.

  3. Demand for Flexibility: Traditional models of monthly or yearly donations have evolved into more flexible giving options. Donors can contribute one-time or periodically, aligning their contributions with personal financial situations.

Societal Impact of Changing Charity Culture

  1. Increased Impact: The shift towards individual empowerment and the use of technology has resulted in more targeted, impactful giving. Charitable organizations can now reach a wider audience and execute projects that resonate with smaller, passionate groups of supporters.

  2. Heightened Awareness: The accessibility of information and the power of social media have raised awareness about diverse issues, allowing people to support causes they might not have been aware of in the past.

  3. Fostering a Culture of Giving: The evolution of charity culture has nurtured a culture of giving that extends beyond financial contributions. People are increasingly engaged in volunteer work, advocacy, and community-building efforts.

Challenges in the Changing Landscape

  1. Digital Divide: While technology has facilitated many positive changes, it has also created a digital divide where certain populations lack access to online platforms and information.

  2. Donor Fatigue: The constant exposure to charitable appeals, especially through social media, has led to donor fatigue, where individuals may become overwhelmed by the sheer volume of requests for support.

  3. Data Privacy and Security: The collection and use of donor data raise concerns about privacy and security. Organizations must navigate the ethical use of data to build and maintain donor trust.


The evolution of charity culture over the past two decades reflects the broader societal shifts influenced by technology, connectivity, and changing values. From individual empowerment and the integration of technology to greater transparency and accountability, the transformation of philanthropy has been profound. As we move forward, it's crucial to recognize the potential of these changes in not only enhancing the impact of charitable giving but also in shaping a more compassionate, informed, and engaged society.

Decentralized finance (DeFi) refers to a new financial system built on blockchain technology that allows for peer-to-peer transactions and eliminates the need for intermediaries such as banks or other financial institutions. It enables the creation of decentralized and autonomous financial products and services that can be accessed globally, and with a high degree of security and transparency.

One of the key features of DeFi is that it allows for the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) that can be used to build and access financial products and services. These dApps can be built on various blockchain platforms, such as Ethereum, and can provide a wide range of financial services, including lending and borrowing, trading, and insurance.

DeFi is based on smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. These smart contracts enable the creation of decentralized, automated financial products and services that can be accessed by anyone, anywhere in the world.

Another important aspect of DeFi is that it enables the creation of stablecoins, which are digital assets pegged to the value of a fiat currency. These stablecoins can be used to mitigate the volatility of other cryptocurrencies, and can provide a more stable medium of exchange for transactions.

One of the main advantages of DeFi is that it allows for greater accessibility and inclusion in the financial system. This is particularly beneficial for individuals and businesses that are currently underserved by traditional financial institutions.

Another advantage of DeFi is that it allows for greater transparency and security in financial transactions. This is because all transactions are recorded on a public blockchain, which allows for easy tracking and auditing of all transactions.

Despite these advantages, there are also many risks associated with DeFi. One of the main risks is that DeFi projects are still in their early stages of development and are not yet fully tested or regulated. This makes them highly speculative and risky investments.

Another risk is that DeFi is based on complex and rapidly changing technology, which makes it difficult to predict and understand the long-term implications of these projects. This can result in significant losses for investors who do not have a clear understanding of the technology.

Despite these risks, DeFi is a rapidly growing market, and it is likely that we will see more widespread adoption of this technology in the future. However, it is important for investors to be aware of the risks and to conduct their due diligence before investing in any DeFi projects.

In conclusion, DeFi or Decentralized finance refers to a new financial system built on blockchain technology that allows for peer-to-peer transactions and eliminates the need for intermediaries such as banks or other financial institutions. It enables the creation of decentralized and autonomous financial products and services that can be accessed globally, and with a high degree of security and transparency. It provides many advantages like accessibility and inclusion, greater transparency and security, but also has many risks like projects are still in their early stages of development and complex and rapidly changing technology. It’s important for investors to be aware of the risks and conduct their due diligence before investing in any DeFi projects.

Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. It operates independently of a central bank or government. The most well-known cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, but there are many other types, such as Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple.

One of the key features of cryptocurrency is that it is decentralized, meaning that it is not controlled by any government or financial institution. Instead, it relies on a distributed ledger technology called blockchain, which allows for secure and transparent transactions.

Another important aspect of cryptocurrency is that it is based on cryptography, which is used to secure and verify transactions. This means that transactions are recorded in a public ledger that is virtually impossible to hack or corrupt.

The first cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, was created in 2009 by an unknown individual or group of individuals using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Since then, the market for cryptocurrency has grown exponentially, with thousands of different coins and tokens now in circulation.

One of the main advantages of cryptocurrency is that it allows for fast and secure transactions, as well as a high degree of anonymity. This makes it particularly appealing for online transactions, as well as for individuals and businesses that operate in countries with weak currencies or unstable political situations.

Another advantage of cryptocurrency is that it is not subject to the same regulations and fees as traditional currencies. This means that transactions can be conducted quickly and cheaply, with no need for intermediaries such as banks or financial institutions.

Despite these advantages, there are also many risks associated with investing in cryptocurrency. One of the main risks is that the value of a particular coin or token can be highly volatile, and can fluctuate rapidly and unpredictably. This makes it difficult to predict the future value of a cryptocurrency, and can result in significant losses for investors.

Another risk is that the lack of regulation in the cryptocurrency market makes it a prime target for fraud and scams. There have been numerous instances of fraudulent ICOs (initial coin offerings) and other scam projects, which have resulted in investors losing millions of dollars.

Despite these risks, the market for cryptocurrency continues to grow, and it is likely that we will see more widespread adoption of this technology in the future. However, it is important for investors to be aware of the risks and to conduct their due diligence before investing in any cryptocurrency.

In conclusion, cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency that uses cryptography for security. It operates independently of a central bank or government. The most well-known cryptocurrency is Bitcoin, but there are many other types, such as Ethereum, Litecoin, and Ripple. It has many advantages like fast and secure transactions, a high degree of anonymity and not subject to the same regulations and fees as traditional currencies but also has many risks like value volatility and lack of regulation that makes it a prime target for fraud and scams. It’s important for investors to be aware of the risks and conduct their due diligence before investing in any cryptocurrency.

# Fundraising In The Future

The future of fundraising is already here, and it is about as simple as acknowledging that donors are important now more than ever. The answer depends, first of all, on funders getting smarter about building deeper, meaningful relationships with their donors, offering them more tangible benefits and hands-on involvement. Fundraisers will have to get smarter in order to develop lasting relationships with donors. In the future, engagement and relationships with donors will have a higher value. Because technology is going to be so influential on the way that fundraising is done, there is going to be a greater demand to cultivate a personal relationship with donors, even when behind a screen. In the future, fundraisers are going to need to become even more protective of donors information, given the little amount of privacy that is available on the internet already. In the future, donors are likely to be more likely to give via mobile, which will also create an increased need for creating a value-added experience for donors who are met in person by a fundraiser. Just as the trends we are seeing in FinTech bringing higher-quality tools to smaller organizations, managing repeat donors with fundraising technologies will enable any non-profit organization to receive more donations online. The increase in QR code use to promote donation pages and share information will also be a way for nonprofits to convert their physical mailings and move donors into an online system, allowing simpler tracking across the board. Technology will offer better ways for organizations to tell their stories to donors. Technology has been an incredible help for charities and their fundraising. Today, there are many tools and platforms available to automate our communications, track donors engagement activities more efficiently, and help us determine what segments of our database are most likely to renew, become large-gift donors in the future, or be one-and-done donors. Many working in philanthropy think bringing on board new technology tools will optimize fundraising, boost gifts, broaden donor pools, and lower costs. Improvements to tools such as surveys, as well as critical steps such as listing management, are only the start of what we are going to see happen to the future of philanthropy and fundraising. In the coming years, these combinations of data, communities, and smart technologies will fundamentally change fundraising as we know it, making interactions among staff, volunteers, and donors more personal, more smart, and more efficient than ever. The growing amount of data and the predictive capabilities of AI will allow donors to make more impactful donation decisions going forward. Personally, I believe artificial intelligence, much like social media analytics, has the ability to give fund-raisers insight faster and in more effective ways, as well as give prospective donors quick, simple experiences. Using tools such as analytics and predictive modeling can increase ROI, since you are sending mail to the right audiences, save money, as you are not sending printed pieces to people that are unlikely to renew their support, and help you to raise more money in general. Organizations who invest in using their data intelligently will increase their retention rate. Invest in technology to make fundraising more efficient and efficient. A well-developed fundraising strategy will take advantage of past successes and opportunities to help your organization grow year over year. Ultimately, a well-rounded fundraising strategy will help your organization raise more money and access longer-term support. Right now, funders must be focused on retention, increasing the value donors place on their giving, and engaging supporters through a series of more sophisticated paths of involvement. Not only must fundraisers look for distance-based, creative ways to connect with donors, but they must make conscious efforts to broaden the diversity of their donor pipeline. Charities must place themselves in a intersection between inspiration and solutions, that is how their fundraising becomes a 24/7 campaign. As a result, charities who are able to respond, are the most efficient, and are the most inspirational, will be in direct contact with donors who want to turn the tide. Some fund-raisers, however, will become better at understanding donors motivations to give, and responding to those in a creative way. Most fundraisers, of course, will not make this jump, and thus the majority of donors will continue to feel as uninspired about charities and the people who work for them as they do today. Even if I personally can simply brush my disappointment in the massive solicitations on Giving Tuesday, a lot of donors wont. If a lot of those younger folks dipped their toes in the registry waters and saw that being philanthropic meant being treated like a piggy bank (waiting to be broken) or having to deal with invasive solicitations that were not appropriate, we would sour giving to them entirely. In fact, you can bet that for many donors, sending 4-6 emails with increasing urgency sounds is going to create very negative associations of the IKAR, and they will never think of donating to them (no matter how effective). In the hope of encouraging optimism, I added a few practical things to the sidebar of the chart, which funders could begin doing right away in order to forge a more meaningful relationship with their donors, in order to make donors happier, and thus to prevent a wholesale defection down the road. Donors having their money abused and abused, and being reported on by the press, is a problem facing legitimate fundraisers today, and one they will likely have to keep surmounting going forward. If we have major fundraiser shortages now, particularly among younger professionals, the future of the nonprofit fundraising profession, and of philanthropic long-term income, is in serious jeopardy. When you have a fundraising idea that has broad appeal, crowdfunding tech platforms and messaging apps are becoming a popular way to reach younger donors and their networks. Donors can make contributions with a few taps of a phone, and they are amplifying their influence through peer-to-peer fundraising platforms that seamlessly integrate with social media accounts. Smart fund-raisers will realize that successful communications are less about what they want to say and more about what donors are willing to listen to, and how the fund-raiser can craft it in an intelligent way.

Social Impact Investing


What is Social Impact Investing?

This is a form of investment that both helps a social cause and allows for potential profit. In recent years, the way people invest their money has shifted. The younger generations are wanting real change with their money. They are living at home longer, socializing online more and care for social causes a lot more.
Impact investing and social investing have subtle differences. Social without impact means that investors seek to invest for social means, to be a part of something. Impact is the terminology used to make a difference to the social causes. This portrays a more serious approach to where the money in invested.
Many banks have conducted surveys since 2014. They found an increase of 75% of investors became interested in sustainable investments.

Is Social Impact Investing for me?

People invest for many different reasons. When researching if impact investing is right for you, these questions will help.
  1. Why am I investing? Social investments often return lower profits, although this is not for all funds. Investing this way is a trade off between profits and helping achieve a better World.
  2. Where is money money best used? Not all investments are equal! Some have greater impact, some have better returns or flexibility.
  3. Should I diversify into Social investments? Social investing has skyrocketed over the last few years, profits are for the early. Diversification has always played it's part but only you can make that decision.
  4. Why is Impact investing even a thing? It may seem strange to want to profit from a good thing. But psychology shows us this is the only way to incentivize more people to place their money in that cause. Many do not care about something until they have invested into such cause. This can be emotional or money invested, it is the same effect in our minds.

Where do I start?

While finding somewhere to invest in social causes can be difficult. Charity Token is bringing simplicity to the game. Our mobile app allows individuals to invest in Charity. The platform has an ever growing list of nonprofits and charities from around the world.
To make Charity a two way street so we could invest. We had to design a two economy. This was only able to happen using a cryptocurrency and token economy. Users will buy tokens in exchange for local currency e.g. dollars and then be able to access the apps features.
From here, individuals can be donators or investors by deciding what action to take. They can donate some or all, of their tokens. Or hold the tokens in the digital wallet to take part in the fee distribution.
You see, the community rewards the community. As users donate or transact on the network, the smart contract removes a fee of 10%. This is then distributed amongst token holders, Charities and the liquidity pool. All designed to increase the price and scarcity of the token. This incentivizes people to hold the token as investment and passive income.
As we see more causes joining the platform, the adoption rate will increase. this rewards the earlier adopters and so on.
The Charity app could help in situations like the Ukraine war. DeFi is without borders. Value moving without banks but through mobile phones and data networks. Therefore we can verify and send money in a peer to peer fashion directly to those in need!

The future of Social Impact Investing

We are working hard to bring this line of investment to the forefront of the next generation. NFTs show promise to provide the flexibility and security needed to pioneer SII. Charity Token is in design phase of a revolutionary new way to fundraise.
Our app will allow a greater inclusivity but if you prefer alternative methods we have added them here!

Crypto for Charity


What is crypto?

"Crypto" is short for cryptocurrency. It is a trustless technology designed to move value fast and cheap. The underlying smart contracts execute transactions based on conditions. The code verifies that both parties agree and the products are available. once this happens, the transaction goes ahead.

What problems does crypto solve?

In a world becoming untrusting of one and other, the way we transact between each other needs to evolve. Blockchain is the next money evolution to take place. It allows Countries and Individuals to trade goods and services with one another. Without having any trust in the other persons character. This kind of technology will dominate the future of finance.
The second benefit to cryptocurrencies is the flexibility when offering incentive to individuals. Because blockchain apps utilize token economies, they allow for a greater reward incentive. The flexibility offered by blockchain is far greater than that of traditional apps.

How can crypto help Charity?

Charity is long overdue for a culture shift. In recent years, we have seen a rise in fraud within the nonprofit sector. The public trust looking in at the Charity sector is at an all time low. With the most charitable generations getting older, the sector is seeing less interest. If it intends on being successful in the charitable cause, the sector needs an upgrade.
This is where crypto can help Charity. Cryptocurrency is the most inclusive technology yet. Many younger people flock to crypto as a means to earn extra money, collect NFTs and socialize.
The culture is shifting fast to digital ownership over physical items.
Charity Token is one example. It is the worlds first p2p donating app. Users can buy tokens, earn on those tokens or give them to a charity. Use it like a cash app and gift some p2p style to another person.
Token holders earn a share of the transaction fees. Charities earn a passive income by receiving 2% of transactions.
Never has the nonprofit sector been so inclusive! Charity Token is also a stand alone digital wallet app. Meaning users download this blockchain app from the google and apple play stores.
Charity Token is set to become a gamechanger to Charitable fundraising. Providing a Charity app that rewards users based on the amount of tokens they hold.
This application could serve as a tool for wealth distribution. Providing a transparent and public accessible transaction statement of account. Public trust for the nonprofit sector increases tenfold.
Cash apps are great, but they are not able to reach those unbanked around the world. This is because in low income Countries, many can't access traditional banking services. Reasons such as fees, KYC and infrastructure are unable to include this demographic. Over 2 billion people are without access to banking in the world. This could be zero and here is why.
  • Decentralized finance or DeFi allows money to move without banks and borders.
  • By using a digital token as the native currency to the platform, we allow for a universal medium of exchange.
  • The transaction happens in seconds, the value is then sold into the local currency.
  • When governments issue CBDCs, DeFi and other blockchain products will integrate.
  • To move value on a blockchain, one only needs a wallet address. As opposed to account names, currency type, bank verification and more complicated tabs.

Charity Token and the future of apps

Donating apps will have some ways to go if they intend on keeping up with Charity Token. The unique feature that "everyone receives donations" is a reward that many could use. It rewards real value to people all around the world that have a mobile phone. It requires no banking service. Charities on the platform receive a passive income via the 2% fee that's given to them each time. Never has a donating app guaranteed donations to a nonprofit organization.
Trust is the only issue. After the repetitive scams across the crypto market, many are in distrust. This is understandable and with cause. We will start to see regulations tame crypto, this will improve the reputation. Charity token is at the forefront of blockchain app quality and trust. We have designed an app that has protections in place against such vulnerabilities. Built as a DeFi currency of the Charity sector.
We look forward to building our Community of generous and caring people that want to see change.

A Donation app for Charity


What is a donation app?

A donation app is a software application that facilitates peer to peer fundraising. These platforms help small charities to spread awareness and raise funds. Until recent innovations in digital money, they have been only a form of p2p transacting.
While this is very beneficial to communities without access to traditional banking services. It is not very inclusive, meaning the money that users distribute is only from money sourced close by.
Because of the identification and fees required by the central banks. As many as 2 billion people are "unbanked" in the world today, that's 25% of the population!

So how can modern Donation apps help?

With modern technology now cheap to own, it has spread to the 4 corners of the earth. Low income countries are skipping a technological generation. No flushing toilet yet a mobile phone. This could see the fastest shift in low income living standards in history, if we take advantage.
Charity Token is a great example. A simple and easy user interface with an always increasing list of charities. This app uses blockchain technology and a smart contract to transact. It has it's very own native currency which you must buy to use the app. These tokens are then donated, given or used to buy things like NFTs. By holding tokens in your digital wallet app, you earn a share of fees taken from users when they transact. The application encourages "sustainable giving". This means donating some of the profits you make from fees. But it is optional according to your personal situation.
Charity apps are somewhat new, but already have adoption in countries like Africa. Statistics state that over 67% of Africans use a cash app donation system.

How to we close the wealth gap?

With technology at our fingertips, we have an opportunity. We gather data from platforms such as Charity token. Use the data to provide funds in a fair manner. This is true Charity. Why give money to a huge multinational with no intention of putting themselves out of work. Give it to those in need, peer to peer style.
The problem lies in perception. Many assume such Organizations are good, that they solve. When in fact, they only keep the wheels greased. Accountability for a huge Charity is so low. The reporting standard is woeful. Teach a man to fish and he will eat free forever. When billions only need several dollars a day to live, why are we not donating more often? It is due to the poor Charity culture. One with low public trust, we can repair this image with blockchain and it's transparency.

Charity Fundraising made easy!

Many ask "how do I fundraise?" but they need to ask. "How do I fundraise to stand out?". The conventional methods of finding donation funding is becoming difficult. Many don't have the money to give, but the case is more complex than this. People still want to give, but they will always give to themselves first. This is why we need to incentivize them to give. What better to incentivize more Charity, but with money! People love money, regardless of why they need it. They want more of it! But how to we involve more people in the nonprofit sector and reward them all?
By offering them tokens! Charity Token is an application that is for this purpose. By issuing tokens that hold value, it gives a huge incentive to be on the platform. The network removes 10% of each transaction and gives it to the various token holders. This includes our registered Charities.
Fundraisers and Charities only need to have donations sent to a profile address. This is like a bank account, but for approved cryptocurrencies. Users buy the Charity tokens right off the app.

What does the future hold for Charity Token?

The app is due to go live for download June 13th 2022. This gives the public time to get familiar before the July 1st public sale of the tokens. From there, Charity Token will start the development of their Charity NFT platform. This will enable users to pay or Non fungible tokens with Charity tokens. Not only this, the platform will allow us to tokenize sustainable projects. This will include farmlands, stories and other causes.