The Leprechaun Project

About Us

The Leprechaun Foundation, which serves as the heart and soul of The Leprechaun Project, is dedicated to spreading warmth, kindness, and love to special needs schools and underprivileged children worldwide. We wholeheartedly embrace this mission, not only by offering resources to the school, but also providing ongoing support to the kids and their families. With the incredible generosity of our Leprechaun community, we have already begun to weave a brighter future.

Our funds are designated for two main purposes. First, the renovation and refurbishment of special needs classrooms in some of the world's poorest regions. These spaces, often neglected and in disrepair, will be transformed into safe, nurturing environments where these children can thrive. Our aim is to provide not only educational resources but also create a comfortable and stimulating atmosphere to facilitate learning.

Additionally, a significant portion of our funds will be allocated to covering the medical expenses of the children we serve. Health is a fundamental aspect of their well-being, and we are committed to ensuring that they have access to the necessary care and treatments.

We are proud to share our partnership with Santo Tomas South Central School in Batangas, Philippines. Through our collaboration, we have already made a tangible impact by providing essential items such as electric fans for the classrooms, a colour printer for the special needs classroom, and a desk for the teacher. These contributions have eased the learning environment for both the students and educators.

Our current endeavor is to raise funds to construct a dedicated special needs building on the school grounds. This project will not only alleviate the current issue of overcrowding but also enable the school to enrol more students, extending its reach within the community. Together, with your support and the unwavering dedication of our Leprechaun community, we are turning this dream into a remarkable reality, one filled with hope, opportunity, and boundless love for these extraordinary children.

Deductible Gift Recipient Status;   No
Location of Organiser; Adelaide, Australia


Donation Amount

$5 aud

Donation Amount

$10 aud

Donation Amount

$20 aud

Donation Amount

$50 aud

Donate Crypto

Our organisations have a Web3 wallet which you can send tokens, simply scan QR this with your Charity Token wallet to automatically input the address!

Or copy/paste this wallet address to donate from another Web3 wallet

Giving this way has zero fees and 100% impact!

Note* Please make sure you are sending them on the Polygon/Eth network.

Want to donate in a fun way?

Fundies are the newest way to donate and exclusive to Charity Token. NFTs here aren't just awesome pieces of artwork, they are digital receipts too!  Find our collection by clicking the clicking the "Fundies" link.

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