Why use digital currency to move money?

Digital Money and Charities: A Better Way to Help People Everywhere Introduction In our high-tech world, digital money is changing the way we do things. It’s especially great for charities that want to help people all around the world. In this article, we’ll talk about why digital money on public blockchains is the perfect choice […]

Nov 10, 2023

Digital Money and Charities: A Better Way to Help People Everywhere


In our high-tech world, digital money is changing the way we do things. It's especially great for charities that want to help people all around the world. In this article, we'll talk about why digital money on public blockchains is the perfect choice for charities moving funds.

Money for Everyone

Digital money doesn't need banks, making it easier for everyone to use. Charities can use digital money to help people in faraway places, even if they don't have regular banks. This makes sure that help goes directly to the people who need it, making charities even more powerful.

Helping Fast in Emergencies

Digital money moves really fast. This is super important when something bad happens, like a natural disaster. Charities can use digital money to send help right away. This quick response helps them do a better job in tough situations and helps people in need faster.

Saving Money and Doing More Good

Sending money through regular banks can cost a lot. Digital money is different – it costs less, which means charities can use more money to help others. Also, because there are no middlemen, the process is quicker and more efficient, making sure money gets where it needs to go.

See Where the Money Goes

Digital money uses something called a blockchain. It's like a super-secure record of all the transactions. This record helps everyone see where the money goes. Charities can show donors exactly how their money is helping, building trust and making sure everything is fair and honest.

Magic Contracts Helping Charities

Charities can use something called "smart contracts." These are like magic agreements that work on their own. Smart contracts can make things like sending money automatic, based on certain rules. This helps charities do their work without wasting time on paperwork, and everyone can trust the process.

Keeping Money Safe

Digital money uses strong codes to keep it safe. This is really important for charities. They can make sure that the money they get and give is secure. This also helps protect the personal information of the people they're helping, making sure everything stays safe and private.

Talking to People Everywhere

Digital money doesn't care where you live. People from all over the world can use it. This helps charities talk to donors and get help from anywhere. It creates a big, friendly community that wants to help others, no matter where they are.

No Surprises with Stablecoins

Digital money can sometimes change a lot in value. This can be tricky for charities. But, there's something called "stablecoins" that help with this. They keep the value more steady, so charities can plan better and not worry too much about changes in the money's value.


Digital money and public blockchains are changing how charities help people. These new ways of doing things make it easier for everyone to help others, no matter where they are. As we use more digital money, charities can do an even better job, helping people faster, saving money, and making sure everything is fair and secure. The future of helping others is bright with digital money and public blockchains, making the world a better place for everyone. For a more in depth analysis, read our research hypothesis "Using digital currency to move financial aid" HERE